Talent display Download: Tmozay - fucking free (frestyle)

Don't forget To Follow @faithee_sly on Twitter. Article written byOkechukwu Faithee sly. Read below..My stage name, Tmozay. I'm 15yrs old and have been composing music since I was younger but no one to sponsor for studio performance. I'm even known as the best rapper in my secondary skul, rapping songs lyk rap god verse 1, no love by eminem and drop the world. Fucking free is just an accidental freestyle while I was texting an android app for an autorap. I av other freestyles with beats but not yet composed. Rapping with speed and rythm but not just saying anything is also good in rapping. I Love his Flows and Kind of accent, just 750kb so you don't need MB to exhaust cus its Not a Larger File. #DopeCertified Enjoy: Tmozay - fucking Free (freestyle)Download NOw Call Us On 07067458571 for Adverts and Promo
