–Journalism should come with Professionalism– @faithee_sly
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When the Buhari certificate saga began, i followed every bit of the news from all corners of news media in Nigeria. The Nigerian media realy showed that their profeesional take on some issues still need to be reviewed. The rate at which some of them stoop so low to give attention to some mischief makers needs a second look. Also, many capitalised on the undue attention given to them to continue pressing for something that they know does not answer the Nigerian question.
As we speak, there about 10 cases in court on the said certificate saga.
As the heat of the certificate issues raged,Mr. Buhari who the certificate issues centered around, granted an interview to Al-Jazeera after that, came the unexpected one with the almighty Christine Amanpour. When he got to the UK where he was billed to speak at a function organised by the Chattam-House, he granted an interview to a british media house. in all the interviews, i noticed a trend but kept quiet. The zenith of it was the speech at the Chattam-House and the question an answer session that preceded it. Last night i read his interview with the BBC.
After watching Mr. Buhari speak at the event and the questions and answers session, my friend said, they did not ask him about his certificate, i laughed, i said to him, have you noticed that none of the international media house has asked him about such issues? He said thats what he observed too. But why?
I told my friend its because the international media outfits sees it foolhardy and meaningless to question the certificate of a man whose profile of attending the prestigious US war college is still on Wikipedia.
A man who Cambridge confirmed sat and took the WASC exam in 1961.
To them its not by Paper qualifications as we have so coveted, that literacy skills is judged your ability to show such literacy skills. If a man does not have a certificate yet he can express himself in sound spoken English and Writting more than many of the so called B.sc, M.sc and even Phd holder, then is it not a surgeon in futility to start questioning his/her certificate.
Above all, to them the main issue now (which should make the where is your certificate hawkers hide their face in shame) is, what does a candidate have in stock for the people, how will he tackle the burning issue of insecurity, fallen oil price, poverty, unemployment, etc.
This is a lesson to the Nigerian Media, who paid too much attention to some mischief makers who made the certificate issue their daily dosage for their worying issues. This should teach them to know when to ignore some of such meaningless and unprofitable beer parlour discussion and focus on the real issues that affect the common man.
This should also be a lesson to the Nigerian populace to understand that its a futile venture to join those whose aim is to divert our attention to the real issues that bites us hard as a nation and join them in search of their lost human dignity and selling of their integrity to half plate of porridge.
#Anticipate(obisilm ike) By Faithee Drops March-2nd Enjoy.@Faithee_sly
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